So WTH is an Online Business Manager anyway?? - iVirtual Business Services

So WTH is an Online Business Manager anyway?!?

And How can they help me Run my Business like a Boss?

 Whenever I tell someone I’m an OBM (aka Online Business Manager), no ever knows what it is I do.

The easiest way to think is it’s literally in the title….a Business Manager who performs their services Online. That’s it! Or another way I like to explain it…a part time COO for Entrepreneurs, helping manage day to day operations and so much more.

Depending on your business, your OBM can be for you a consultant, a systems wizard, manager of your virtual team, sometimes your coach, someone that cheers you on or holds your hand (or both at the same time), listens to you vent, but also helps you pop that champagne and celebrate those wins, girl!

Your virtual COO brings to life your Vision, Goals and Strategy.

If you’re like most Entrepreneurs out here, you started your business because you have some awesome talent and you love sharing it and figured you could monetize on it and add value to people’s lives at the same time. But you did not get into business to worry about managing day to day tasks, making sure every little detail is delegated. You want to be able to concentrate on sharing that talent with as many people as possible.

You want to run your business like the Boss you are! So how the hell does an OBM help you do that??

Now every OBM is a little different but here’s how I do this….

Achieving your Vision – As your right hand, it’s understood that strategic planning and coordination is imperative to your success, along with making sure your business is on track to meet your goals through consistent results. Staying focused when life and distractions happen is a priority.

 Virtual Team Management No more worrying about what your contractors and/or employees are doing and if they’re on task. Project Management & Delegation get handled without you having to be in every little details, yet they feel supported in day to day operations. If your needs to grow, then we’ll help you find the right team members that are going to help bring your vision to life. Your overall productivity will increase.

Efficiency – I’m a systems geek! Continuously finding ways to improve current systems or implement new ones when there’s a hole in streamlining. One of my mottos is #WorkSmart #DoMore. No need for you or anyone on your team to work harder than they have to.

Business & Revenue Growth – With new found time, you can concentrate on being that badass CEO you are and on monetizing tasks.  You won’t be burned out and creative ideas will flow more easily. You’ll see your business expand.

Once you get to an annual revenue of $150-200k, you just can’t manage it all on your own. There’s just too much to do as a Business Owner. Are you ready to level up your business? A Discovery Session will help you start the process. Just click here….

 By the way….an OBM and VA (virtual assistant) are very different. Think of a VA as the administrative assistant in an office setting, taking care of your to-do list and admin burden.  An Online Business Manager, on the other hand, manages, assesses, strategizes and implements. Some foundational systems an OBM can help with: SOPs (standard operating procedures) and CRMs (customer relationship manager).

Are you ready to get to next levels with an OBM?

Cheers to your Success!

~Christelle Fernandez ~ iVBS


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